A Business Process is a collection of activities designed to produce a specific output for a particular customer or market. It implies a strong emphasis on how the work is done within an organization, in contrast to a product’s focus and clearly defined inputs and outputs: a structure for action.

ADAPT consulting firm in Jakarta/Indonesia provides Management Consulting Services Series, such as: Human Resources Management Consulting, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Business Process Reengineering (BPR Consultant / Konsultan Bisnis Proses), Corporate Strategic Planning (CSP), Software Developer (Customized IT Solution), etc.


BPR (Business Process Reengineering) Consultant | ADAPT Indonesia

Do you have a lot of process but nothing seems to be working right?
Do you need to shorten product’s time-to-market for competitiveness?
Do employees or customers lack the information on how key processes work?
Does management lack the necessary information to make key process-related decisions?

Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is a business management strategy focusing on analysis and design of workflows and business processes within the organization to help company radically restructure their organization by focusing on the ground-up design of their business processes.

Benefits of Business Process Reengineering Implementation:

  • Address the Business Needs, Critical Problems and Problem Solving
  • Streamline/Optimize the Process Workflow
  • Help Organization to Comply with Industry and Corporate Guideline/Regulation
  • Deliver the Optimum Cost, High Quality Output, and Productivity
  • Eliminate the Repetitive Work and Improve Controlling gate
  • Anticipate and Plan for Risk Handling
  • Utilize Information Technology Integration for reporting & analytical tools
  • Effective Change Management
  • Sustain the Continuous Improvement Culture

Adapt Indonesia provides best-in-class knowledge, experience, innovative and systematic approach to help enterprise successfully transform the business process implementation into a better way in achieving the goals with the strong organization and working culture.

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For complete information regarding BPR Consultant (konsultan bisnis proses), Business Process Reengineering, mapping, diagram, implementation, steps, improvement, please contact ADAPT Consulting firm in Jakarta/Indonesia, through email: info@adapt-indonesia.com


BPR (Business Process Reengineering) Consultant | ADAPT Indonesia

Apakah anda memiliki banyak proses tapi sepertinya tidak ada yang bekerja dengan benar?
Apakah anda perlu mempersingkat waktu proses sebagai daya saing?
Apakah karyawan tidak memiliki informasi mengenai proses utama/kritikal?
Apakah manajemen tidak memiliki informasi yang diperlukan untku membuat keputusan penting yang berkaitan dengan proses?

Business Process Reengineering (BPR) adalah strategi manajemen bisnis yang berfokus pada analisis dan perencanaan alur kerja dan proses di dalam organisasi untuk membantu perusahaan merestrukturisasi organisasi secara radikal dengan berfokus pada desain dasar proses bisnis mereka.

Manfaat Implementasi Business Process Reengineering:

  • Pemecahan masalah yang kritikal dan memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis
  • Merampingka/mengoptimalkan alur kerja proses
  • Membantu organisasi untuk mematuhi pedoman dan aturan industri dan perusahaan
  • Meningkatkan kualitas output dan produktifitas dengan biaya yang optimal
  • Menghilangkan kerj ayang berulang dan memperbaiki fungsi pengendalian (Control)
  • Mengantisipasi/merencanakan penanganan resiko
  • Memanfaatkan teknologi informasi terintegrasi dalam pelaporan dan analisis
  • Manajemen perubahan yang efektif
  • Memperkuat budaya perbaikan yang terus-menerus (Continuous Improvement)

ADAPT Indonesia akan memberikan pengetahuan, pengalaman, pendekatan inovatif dan sistematis terbaiknya untuk membantu perusahaan berhasil mengubah proses bisnis menjadi lebih baik dalam mencapai tujuan dengan organisasi dan budaya kerja yang kuat.

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Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Business Process Reengineering, BPR Consultant (konsultan bisnis proses), mapping, diagram, implementation, steps, improvement, silahkan menghubungi ADAPT Consulting firm di Jakarta/Indonesia, melalui email: info@adapt-indonesia.com