Employee Engagement Survey Consultant
ADAPT Indonesia provides customized employee engagement survey, and other human resources management services designed to improve the competitive positioning of your organization. Having the Human Resources Experts with excellent best practices, we will deliver our best quality services through flexible approach that exceed customer expectations.
The benefits of Employee Engagement Survey:
- Employee Engagement Survey to have information on how the employee opinion about the organization in some dimensions/areas.
- Employee Engagement Survey to have insight about the current organization is doing (top/bottom level of positive impact and negative problems) for employees.
- Employee Engagement Survey to help company to focus on the needs and leverage its S (strength) and O (opportunity) and to manage its W (weakness) and T (threats).
- Employee Engagement Survey to motivate employees with any improvements which will be taken by company.
- Employee Engagement Survey to measure the improvement program compare to the previous employee engagement survey result (if any).
- Employee Engagement Survey to benchmark with other company in the same industry with equal organization size.
How Can We Help You?
Our prime role is to assist you in implementing the employee engagement survey to:
- Identify needs
- Develop the questionnaire specific to organization requirements
- Facilitate the survey
- Establish the analysis report representing the employee engagement survey result.
Our employee engagement survey methodology and tools are designed to improve productivity, efficiency, organization and employee morale to effectively support your company goals.
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For complete information regarding employee engagement survey, please contact ADAPT Consulting firm in Jakarta/Indonesia, through email: info@adapt-indonesia.com
Employee Engagement Survey Consultant
ADAPT Indonesia menyediakan layanan konsultasi, employee engagement survey / employee opinion survey (survey karyawan), human resources management untuk meningkatkan posisi kompetitif organisasi perusahaan (competitive positioning). Memiliki tenaga ahli dan praktisi Sumber Daya Manusia terbaik, kami akan memberikan layanan berkualitas terbaik Human Resources Consultant (Konsultan Sumber Daya Manusia) melalui pendekatan fleksibel yang dapat melebihi harapan perlanggan kami.
Manfaat employee engagement survey / employee opinion survey (survey karyawan):
- Employee Engagement Survey untuk memiliki informasi tentang bagaimana pendapat karyawan tentang organisasi dalam beberapa dimensi/bidang.
- Employee Engagement Survey untuk memiliki wawasan tentang organisasi saat ini melakukan (tingkat atas/bawah dampak positif dan masalah negatif) bagi karyawan.
- Employee Engagement Survey untuk membantu perusahaan untuk fokus pada kebutuhan dan memanfaatkan S (kekuatan) dan O (peluang) dan untuk mengelola W (kelemahan) dan T (ancaman).
- Employee Engagement Survey memotivasi karyawan dengan segala perbaikan yang akan dilakukan oleh perusahaan.
- Employee Engagement Survey untuk mengukur program peningkatan dibandingkan dengan hasil survei employee engagement survey / employee opinion survey (survey karyawan) sebelumnya (jika ada).
- untuk benchmark dengan perusahaan lain di industri yang sama dengan ukuran organisasi yang sama.
Bagaimana kami membantu anda?
Peran utama kami dalam membantu anda dalam implementasi employee engagement survey / employee opinion survey (survey karyawan):
- Identifikasi kebutuhan perusahaan dalam melaksanakan employee engagement survey / employee opinion survey (survey karyawan).
- Membuat kuesioner khusus sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan.
- Memfasilitasi berjalannya survey beserta tools yang diperlukan.
- Membuat laporan analisis yang mewakili hasil employee engagement survey / employee opinion survey (survey karyawan).
Employee engagement survey / employee opinion survey (survey karyawan) kami dirancang untuk menginkatkan produktivitas, efisiensi, organisasi dan semangat kerja karyawan untuk secara efektif mendukung tujuan perusahaan anda.
[CONTACT US, click here]
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai employee engagement survey / employee opinion survey (survey karyawan) ini, silahkan menghubungi ADAPT Consulting firm di Jakarta/Indonesia, melalui email: info@adapt-indonesia.com