Payroll Services for Businesses – outsourcing payroll process is an attractive alternative for many businesses in Indonesia. A true transformation for companies to free up staff time to pursue more important value-added and revenue-generating activities. We are based in Jakarta – Indonesia – (Jasa Payroll Outsourcing) to help your business process.
ADAPT consulting firm in Jakarta/Indonesia provides Human Resources Consulting Services Series, such as: online employee survey, employee engagement survey, employee satisfaction survey, 360 survey, employee compliance course (leadership training), Payroll Services, job analysis & design, performance appraisal, talent assessment, rewards strategy & design, HR models & Process Design, HR Audit (Policy & Procedure), HR Legal Advice, etc.
Payroll Services
Are employee salary payments accurate and timely?
Is the tax calculation accurate?
Does the payroll process spend time and cost for the company?
Difficulty calculating overtime, incentive, PPh 21, Jamsostek, salary slip and payment?
Payroll paid on time and accurately to employees is important for the company. Payroll process is time consuming and costly for the company, starting from calculating working time (overtime), incentive, makin PPh 21 report, Jamsostek report, printing salary slip, to making payment (transfer) to each employee account.
Many companies are already using Payroll Services as an effective strategy in reducing company costs. In some cases, the use of outsourcing services will be more profitable than doing your own. And the company can stay focused on its main operation.
ADAPT Payroll Services supported by experienced proffesionals in IT and payroll system to help companies:
- Handle/customized the payroll system with complex salary components
- Accurate calculation of salary, overtime, incentive, bonus, PPh 21, BPJS and others
- Tax calculation for permanent/contractual employees, local/expatriate, depart/join in middle of year
- Following / meeting the lates Labor Laws and Regulations
- Tax report of SPT 1721 and SPT 1721-A1
- Employee Pay Slip with detials
- Journal reports for accounting
- Management Reports for analysis
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For complete information regarding Payroll Services (jasa payroll / jasa penggajian karyawan), perhitungan pajak PPh 21, SPT Karyawan, SPT 1721, SPT 1721-A1, calculation for overtime, incentive, bonus etc, please contact ADAPT Consulting firm in Jakarta/Indonesia, through email:
Payroll Services
Apakah pembayaran gaji karyawan akurat dan tepat waktu?
Apakah perhitungan pajak akurat?
Apakah proses payroll menghabiskan waktu dan biaya bagi perusahaan?
Kesulitan menghitung waktu kerja (lembur), membuat laporan PPh 21, Jamsostek, slip gaji hingga pembayaran?
Payroll Services (penggajian karyawan) yang dibayarkan tepat waktu dan akurat kepada karyawan merupakan hal penting bagi perusahaan. Namun proses payroll (penggajian karyawan) sangat menghabiskan waktu dan biaya bagi perusahaan, mulai dari menghitung waktu kerja (lembur), membuat laporan PPh 21, laporan Jamsostek, mencetak slip gaji, sampai pada melakukan pembayaran (transfer) ke masing-masing account karyawan.
Banyak perusahaan yang sudah menggunakan jasa payroll services (outsourcing gaji) sebagai strategi efektif dalam menekan biaya perusahaan. Dalam beberapa hal, penggunaan jasa outsourcing akan lebih menguntungkan daripada mengerjakan sendiri. Dan perusahaan dapat tetap fokus pada pekerjaan utamanya.
ADAPT Payroll Services merupakan jasa payroll outsourcing (outsourcing gaji) yang didukung profesional berpengalaman di bidang IT dan payroll untuk membantu perusahaan:
- Mengangani/menyesuaikan sistem penggajian dengan komponen gaji yang kompleks
- Akurasi perhitungan gaji, lembur, incentive, bonus, pph21, iuran BPJS, dan lain-lain
- Perhitungan pajak karyawan tetap/kontrak, lokal/expatriat, keluar/masuk tengah tahun
- Mengikuti/memenuhi undang-undang dan peraturan Ketenagakerjaan terakhir yang berlaku
- Membuatan laporan pajak SPT 1721 dan SPT 1721-A1
- Slip gaji berikut detail komponennya
- Membuat laporan jurnal untuk accounting
- Management Report untuk kebutuhan analisa
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Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Payroll Services (jasa payroll / jasa penggajian karyawan / outsourcing gaji), perhitungan pajak PPh 21, SPT Karyawan, SPT 1721, SPT 1721-A1, calculation for lembur, incentive, bonus dan lain-lain, silahkan menghubungi ADAPT Consulting firm di Jakarta/Indonesia, melalui email: