ADAPT consulting firm in Jakarta/Indonesia provides Human Resources Consulting Services Series, such as: online employee survey, employee engagement survey, employee satisfaction survey, 360 survey, employee compliance course (leadership training), payroll outsourcing services provider, job analysis & design, performance appraisal (penilaian kinerja), talent assessment, rewards strategy & design, HR models & Process Design, HR Audit (Policy & Procedure), HR Legal Advice, etc.
Performance Appraisal – Penilaian Kinerja
Do you have the proper performance appraisal process?
Are your performance appraisal can support the company needs and goals?
Are your employees motivated and satisfied in their performance appraisal process?
Are you able to track strengths and weaknesses of your organization?
Have you take the benefits of performance appraisal implementation?
Company use performance appraisal to review/evaluate and assess the performance of individual employees on the job. It is typically used to set goals, track the progress, explore employees’ job growth and help/supervise the employee to achieve their goals. An effective appraisal may not only eliminate behavior and work-quality problems, it can motivate an employee to contribute more.
Benefits of Performance Appraisal:
- Chance to set the target in a specific area of organization weakness that need improvements.
- To enable the progress monitoring & control the goals and its detail activities.
- Opportunity to building relationships. Sit down and discuss performance periodically.
- To offer improvement opportunities for a specific training/seminars, mentorships or classes to employees desiring to improve their performance.
- As a motivational tools for the employees. Company may offer bonus/incentive for the good performer.
- To determine the adequate compensation and benefits for the employees based on their performance.
You can take the advantage from our research-based best practices for successful project to build the excellence Performance Appraisal process to benefits your organization.
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For complete information regarding Performance Appraisal (Penilaian Kinerja) process, objectives, methods, forms, example as part of HR Consulting (Konsultan HR) series, please contact ADAPT Consulting firm in Jakarta/Indonesia, through email:
Performance Appraisal – Penilaian Kinerja
Apakah anda memiliki proses penilaian kinerja yang tepat?
Sudahkah anda mendapatkan benefit dari penerapan penilaian kinerja karyawan anda?
Apakah penilaian kinerja anda mampu mendukung kebutuhan dan target perusahaan?
Apakah karyawan anda termotivasi dan puas dalam proses penilaian kinerja mereka?
Apakah anda dapat mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan organisasi anda?
Perusahaan menggunakan penilaian kinerja untuk mengkaji/mengevaluasi dan menilai kinerja masing-masing karyawan di tempat kerja. Hal ini biasanya digunakan untuk menetapkan tujuan, memantau kemajuan (progress), mengeksplorasi perkembangan pekerjaan karayawan dan mengawasi/membantu karyawan untuk mencapai tujuan mereka. Penilaian yang efektif mungkin tidak saja menghilangkan perilaku dan kualitas kerja, namun juga dapat memotivasi karyawan untuk berkontribusi lebih banyak.
Manfaat Penilaian Kinerja:
- Kesempatan untuk menetapkan target di area tertentu (yang lemah) dalam organisasi yang memerlukan perbaikan
- Kemampuan untuk memonitor kemajuan dan mengendalikan tujuan beserta aktifitas detainya
- Memberikan kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya melalui mentoring, pelatihan / seminar dan lain-lain
- Sebagai alat motivasi bagi karyawan dimana perusahaan dapat memberikan bonus/insentif untuk pencapaian terbaik
- Untuk menentukan kompetensi dan tunjuangan yang memadai bagi karyawan berdasarkan kinerjanya.
Dengan pengalaman, pengetahuan dan praktisi kami dapat membantu anda dalam membuat sistem Penilaian Kinerja yang efektif dan produktif dimana dapat memberikan benefit bagi organisasi dalam mencapai sasaran perusahaan anda.
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Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Performance Appraisal (Penilaian Kinerja) perusahaan, process, objectives, methods, forms, contoh sebagai bagian dari HR Consulting (Konsultan HR) series, silahkan menghubungi ADAPT Consulting firm di konsultan berlokasi di Jakarta/Indonesia, melalui email: